Massage and bodywork Terms and Definitions



A combination of massage, yoga, and acrobatics created by Benjamin Marantz. The client is placed in an inverted pose atop the acrosager's feet, with the head hanging freely. With no pressure on the neck or spine, the client's upper body can be effortlessly massaged.


Type of Chinese medicine that utilizes direct stimulation by a therapist’s fingertips, knuckles, or hands or from blunt-tipped instruments to boost specific points on energetic meridians and points on a patient’s body. An acupressurist stimulates the same points used in acupuncture with finger pressure, rather than inserting fine needles. Using the power and sensitivity of the hand, acupressure is effective in the relief of stress-related ailments, in self-treatment, and in preventive health care.


A Chinese technique similar to acupressure, except that fine needles, are inserted at certain points along the meridians just under the skin to boost, disperse, and balance the flow of energy, alleviate pain, and treat a variety of chronic, acute, and degenerative conditions. Two or more fine needles are inserted through the skin and left in position briefly, sometimes with manual or electrical stimulation. This modifies the way pain signals are received by stimulating the nerves in skin and muscle, increasing the body's release of natural painkillers - endorphin and serotonin - in the pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain.


Conditioning of the cardiopulmonary system by means of dynamic exercise often accompanied by music that seeks to augment the efficiency of oxygen intake, build the cardiovascular system, and boost metabolic activity.


Is a non-aggressive Japanese martial art developed from jujitsu and making use of holds and throws. Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba and represents the way to unify mind, body, and spirit; the way of peace.


A technique that develops and maintains the alignment of the head, neck, and spine in order to reduce unnecessary strain on the body and release tension in the muscles. The Alexander Technique is a simple and practical technique for both self-improvement and self-help. A method that works to improve ease and freedom of movement, coordination, support, and balance. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a reeducation of the mind and body to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities.


The conventional, mainstream Occidental approach to health care, focused on treating symptoms and isolating a specific disorder rather than treating the whole person.


A form of Asian bodywork therapy. Some specialists consider Amma as the progenitor of all hand-healing therapies that assess and treat the energetic system.


Pets experience soft tissue injuries in their daily lives as well as humans. Therapeutic massage provides relief, stimulates the healing process, and promotes stress reduction and relaxation.


The art and science of applying essential oils to promote health and well-being. Aromatherapy is mostly utilized to help relax, stimulate the mind, and enhance mood, as well as countless other applications. Focuses on the application and inhalation of essential oils (distilled essences of plants obtained primarily through steam). These are combined with carrier oils (cold-pressed from fruit, nut, or seed sources) before being applied to the skin.


The treatment employs art-related activities of persons with mental and/or physical disabilities. Linking creative art to solving psychological conditions is an approach developed by 20th-century mental-health specialists.


Is a method common to all forms of Reiki in Western massage. Attunements utilize a process of placing the Reiki Symbols and energy into the meridians, aura, or energy body. Some Attunement systems are centered on placing the energy in the Chakras.


Monitoring the flow of vital life energy (known as chi, ki, prana) is at the heart of Asian bodywork. Using physical pressure and manipulation, the healer evaluates and modulates this energy flow to attain a state of balance. Popular modalities include Shiatsu, Amma, Jin Shin Do, Thai Massage, and Tui Na.


Indian treatment uses heated oils and herbs to trigger the body’s natural curative processes, boost the immune system, augment the metabolism, soften the skin and induce deep relaxation and peace of mind. Also called Ayurvedic Massage.



Created by Edward Bach in the early 1900s, Bach Flower Remedies is a system of flower essences used in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy, and medications that seeks to correct emotional imbalances by working on the subtle body instead of the physical body.


Positioned above the patient, the Balinese practitioner performs a combination of kneading strokes, skin rolling, and foot massage. Therapy is followed by an application of coconut oil infused with spices.


Created by Barbara Brennan, it is a spiritual healing system that seeks to reorganize and invigorate the patient’s energy field. Using hands-on methods and other approaches, the healer works to clear the field of unhealthy and blocked energies, charge depleted zones and repair distorted patterns.


A sequence of massage methods using acupressure points, lymphatic drainage strokes, and facial massage strokes, Belavi Facial Massage is designed to firm sagging skin, boost blood and oxygen, release toxins and soften lines. The treatment also consists of cleansing, exfoliating and hot towel wraps.


Chosen for its integration of herbal treatment, light massage, and exfoliation, Bindi shows how the art of bodywork can both relax tired muscles and leave the skin refreshed and glowing.


The therapist works over the body and locates areas of blocked or depleted energy, by applying her hands to the client’s body, and then correcting the imbalance.


A method in which patients are trained to gain some voluntary control over certain physiological conditions, such as blood pressure and muscle tension, to promote relaxation. Thermal biofeedback helps patients consciously raise their hand temperature, which may decrease the number and intensity of headaches.


Created by Mark Lamm, Biosync is a sophisticated system of neuromuscular rehabilitation and re-education and has been successful with a broad range of muscular and trauma-linked challenges. It is complementary to existing medical and rehabilitative treatments.


Refers to the orientation of the body relative to its axis. Ideal body alignment promotes evenly distributed musculoskeletal symmetry. The technique was developed by Jeff Levin.


Practiced on a six to ten-inch ball, and following specific routines that imitate the logic of the neuromuscular system, body rolling is a self-care practice that helps maintain the health of the neuromuscular and skeletal systems and assists in controlling and understanding the internal sensory experience.


Various forms of touch therapies may use manipulation, movement, and/or repatterning to affect structural changes in the body.


A hands-on, drugless, non-invasive technique of alleviating muscle-related pain, Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy emphasizes a quick, cost-effective recovery and active patient participation for long-term relief.


Is a system of gentle but powerful soft tissue mobilization that affects the body both structurally and energetically to restore its self-healing mechanisms. It is painless, non-invasive, safe to use on anyone, and provides relief for several acute or chronic ailments. It was developed by Thomas A. Bowen.


Created by Paul and Gail Dennison, Brain Gym is a sensorimotor program centered on research by educational therapists, developmental optometrists, and other specialists in the fields of movement, education, and child development.


A method that entails specific kneading, rubbing, and/or squeezing strokes applied to the soft tissue of the breast to augment lymph and blood circulation. The practice of breast massage should be in conjunction with regular self-breast exams.


The use of respiratory exercises to open lung passages, oxygenate the blood and cleanse the body by removing gaseous toxins. The patient is encouraged to breathe deeply while the therapist works the proper muscles. It can ease anxiety and decrease stress.


Is a whole-body treatment that consists of an organized pattern of stretches, brushes, and natural rhythms which dissolve rigidity and tension within the body. Other benefits include an increase in vitality, relaxation, naturalness, and clarity within the mind.



A rejuvenating treatment that uses Electric stimulation of the skin with low voltage doses, is believed to boost circulation and eliminate impurities.


Named also seated massage, chair massage includes methods that provide fully-clothed seated massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies to patients, generally in a corporate or business setting. Practitioners employ shiatsu, amma, and/or Swedish styles. A massage in a specially-designed chair, with or without oil, often on-site.


Is the modern Indian name for the Ayurvedic technique of head massage, stimulating the circulation to the scalp and nourishing the hair roots. Originally, the method only included the head. Currently, this style frequently includes massage of the shoulders, upper arms and neck, and face and ears.

CHINESE MASSAGE - See Acupressure


Is a non-touch therapy that works on the multiple energy fields of the body to reinforce and release energy, thereby contributing to balance and well-being on the psychological and physiological levels. It progressively realigns all levels of energy, which run through the body.


Involves the cleansing of the large intestine with warm purified water. A single colonic therapy is said to be equivalent to various enemas in eliminating toxic debris from the colon.


An ancient system using specific color rays to treat the body and mind, color therapy is based on the notion that organs and systems vibrate at certain frequencies. By applying a particular color ray on an area, the correct vibration - bringing with it health - will be restored. A healing method employing the spiritual application of color vibrations to the body, frequently as white light projected through films of a variety of colors. Many color therapist also utilizes crystals and gemstones and their vibrations.


A system of holistic acu-light therapy created by Peter Mandel in which diverse frequencies of visible light are applied into the meridians where needles are usually placed during acupuncture. By employing differing colors, energy can be manipulated, either to stimulate or sedate.


Created by Elizabeth Dicke, CTM is a deep intensive massage aimed at relaxing stressed muscles. Manipulation of the reflexology zones harmonizes the functions of the inner organs. Very suitable for people who are highly active and take regular exercise as a relaxing massage.


Gentle manipulation of the brain, spinal cord, bones of the skull, sacrum, and interconnected membranes, to correct misalignments and distortions in the structure and function of the craniosacral mechanism that surrounds the central nervous system. An osteopathic technique for finding and correcting cerebral and spinal imbalances or blockages that may cause tissue, emotional and postural dysfunction. No oils are used.


Involves the application of ice to treat many kinds of injuries, including those associated with back or neck pain. Ice causes the veins in the affected tissue area to constrict. This decreases the circulation of blood while acting as a form of anesthetic to numb the aches.



Dance/movement therapies focus on personal expression to enhance emotional and psychological healing. Using expressive movement as a tool, this modality lends itself to the treatment of the physically disabled, as well as clients with histories of abuse and addiction.


It works to stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory systems to promote cellular repair while removing hazardous toxins. Aimed at correcting and preventing serious muscle conditions, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, and Parkinson's.


Is a technique focused on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to ease the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted zones, either following or going across the fibers of the muscles, tendons, and fascia. A phrase that indicates client-directed area-specific massage, as opposed to relaxation massage. Little or no oils are used to promote access to the deeper muscular and fascial structures, below the surface.


Created by Rolf Ott, Dynamic Spinal Therapy works with the body's posture and energetic system and consists of three parts: ear reflexology test, the Swiss therapeutic cushion, and application to treat joint problems.



A deep massage technique employs a high-tech machine that pulls the skin upward with a suction device where it is kneaded between two mechanical rollers. This kneads the skin and augments blood and lymph flow to the deepest skin layers. Ideal for cellulite treatments.


Assists the patient in balancing their energy flow. Emphasis is given to the chakras and the joints, leaving the patients feeling at peace with themselves, with less pain, increased mobility, and a higher range of motion.


Developed at the Esalen Institute it is based on a combination of Oriental and Swedish massage styles. Esalen is light and gentle in nature, emphasizing nurturing and empathy. The strokes are soft prompting deep relaxation. Used to decrease stress, alleviate pain, improve sleep, and aid digestion. A combination of soft and deep tissue techniques, focusing on both the extremities and torso promoting total body awareness and relaxation.


A specialized area of soft-tissue manipulation massage therapy for horses.


Healing through the energy field, which flows through and around us. Each of the seven major centers vitalizes its related endocrine glands. It is possible to map and measure this field and to assist in the restoration of good health by working to rebalance the energy field. Therapists have learned to sensitize their hands and inner perception to examine the energy field in detail to find alterations in the flow of energy. The therapist does not touch the client but works variable distances from the body.


Natural substances are extracted from grasses, flowers, herbs, shrubs, trees, resins, and spices, regularly through a process called steam distillation. Oils can soothe, relax, rejuvenate, cure, energize or alleviate pain, thereby affecting the body's physical, psychological and emotional levels.


Created by Gerda Alexander, it is based on the concept that there is a constant interaction between muscular tone and psychic activity. Acting upon muscle tone can affect the whole being and regulate breathing and circulation.


Is an individualized exercise prescription or plan designed to restore health and prevent further ailments. The prescription is given by a rehabilitation specialist and considers the patient’s medical condition, providing advice for what type of exercise to perform, how hard to exercise, and how long.


A facial yoga, slow motion movement, and self-massage method integrated with breathing to release jaw tension and other tensions from neuromuscular areas of the face, head, and neck. It is comprised of twenty-four cranial facial yoga postures and a series of rhythmic contouring and acupressure pulsing massage movements. Connections are made to the vital organs with sound and intention. It facilitates the release of jaw tension.


Peels away dry skin cells and eliminates deeply-trapped secretions that obstruct oxygenation. Marine sediments, mineral salts, and lipoamino acids can be employed to boost circulation and add moisture.



System of neuro-motor training and reconditioning that includes a soft tissue manipulative method that promotes functional integration. It concentrates on boosting the body’s efficiency through improving coordination. It was created by Moshe Feldenkrais.


The ancient Chinese system of balancing the energy patterns of the physical environment. A composite of mystical beliefs, astrology, folklore, and common sense, the Chinese belief in Feng Shui blends antique wisdom with cultural tradition.


Foot Zone Therapy has centered on the premise that energy flows through the body in meridians from the brain to the feet. Every organ and cell has a representative spot.



Orientated for the elderly, it addresses the psychological and physiological aspects of aging and its associated diseases. Bodywork, frequently limited to a shorter time span, is regularly performed in residential care facilities.


Is a systematic educational technique that teaches people to mobilize their own strength and vitality in pursuit of their well-being.


A Chinese massage-like form uses a round-edge instrument to stimulate the affected zone. Regularly employing a therapeutic oil as lubrication, the area is stimulated in a stroking manner to alleviate congestion and stagnation.


Also known as visualization, guided imagery is a relaxation system utilizing imagination and thoughts to improve one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Often involving a process of listening to music or a person’s voice, the participant can take hold of imagery, symbols, and deep feelings to stimulate the body’s immune system, fight disease, and improve overall health. Many seriously ill patients use this technique to imagine the destruction of their disease and/or disorder.



Body-centered psychotherapy, Hakomi was created by Ron Kurtz. Hakomi utilizes body tensions and sensations to access information about the limiting beliefs, patterns, and habits of the person. Hakomi bodywork includes hands-on manipulation to access and change these beliefs.


A system of neuromuscular education that needs the patient to recognize, release and reverse chronic pain patterns resulting from injury, stress, repetitive motion, or habituated postures. Combining Hanna Somatics with exercise therapy will expand the benefits.


The internal center of gravity of the body is typically located four centimeters below the navel, between this one and the spine. According to the Japanese belief, it is here where vital forces reside, and it is also from this spot where deep breathing must be originated.


The use of sound to create balance and alignment in the physical body, the energy centers (chakras), and/or the etheric fields. It is a vibration applied by an instrument or the human voice and can be understood as a field of energy medicine.


Is practiced by registered nurses and others to accelerate wound healing, alleviate pain, promote relaxation, prevent illness and ease the dying process. The impact of the healing is influenced by the relationship between the giver and receiver. An energy exchange therapy during which the practitioner uses the hands as a focus to facilitate the healing process and to induce deep relaxation.


A method that restores the body’s balance. Combines manipulation of connective body tissue with discussion on effects of mental attitudes on the body. It was created by Joseph Heller.


The practice of treating medical conditions and health issues via the natural benefits of plants and plant extracts. Herbology is also known as herbalism, botanical medicine, or phytotherapy. Herbs are utilized to resolve illness and enhance wellness.


A philosophy of well-being that considers the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life as closely interconnected and balanced. Holistic medicine recognizes that the mind, lifestyle, environment, and other aspects of a person's existence significantly affect the functioning of the body.


The practice of the employ of active ingredients in minute dosages along with naturally occurring substances in order to provide a healthier balance of internal chemistry. These minute dosages would be viewed in conventional medicine as ineffective.


Uses smooth, heated stones, most commonly basalt, a black volcanic rock that absorbs and retains heat well. The stones come in several shapes and sizes, from tiny little stones that are placed between the toes to big stones the therapist uses to massage the back. Cold stones are also utilized sometimes.

woman receives massage with hot  black basalt stones

Photo by Karolina Grabowska


Treating a disease with hot or cold water, externally or internally to maintain and restore health. Techniques include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation, and the application of hot and/or cold compresses.


The application of hypnosis, trance states, suggestion, or altered states of consciousness to facilitate therapeutic goals, including learning and practicing new skills for relieving symptoms or changing behavior.



Is utilized in hospital neonatal care units and qualified instructors teach parents how to properly massage their infants. This specialized style of touch is effective, not only in the critical weight gain of premature infants but also in creating a strong bond between parent and infant.


Treatments involving the inhalation of steam vapor, which may have been treated with medicine or natural herbal/mineral substances; employed for respiratory, pulmonary, or sinus-related conditions.


IMT recognizes that each person is more than the total components of anatomy, physics, and chemistry, and is instead affected by emotions, thoughts, social interactions, mind, consciousness, and more. IMT combines numerous therapies to locate and alleviate health challenges through individual body systems.


Is a diagnostic science in which the study of markings in certain areas of the iris is used to indicate dysfunction in corresponding organs of the body. Iridology is a noninvasive method that supplies information not clearly delineated by other means regarding the condition of the body. Practitioners use advanced and gentle palpation techniques to "listen" with their hands to locate and address specific issues in muscles, joint biomechanics, bones, organs, circulatory, lymphatics, immune, connective tissue, nervous systems, and the bio-energy field.


Created by Charlotte Vandergrift, ISM is based on the muscle testing positions applied in kinesiology. Balancing and strengthening the 42 main muscles are accomplished by isometric action, producing a feeling of lightness and an augment in energy.



Is a Balinese-inspired modality based on Indian, Chinese, and European methods involving acupressure, rolling motions, long strokes, and percussion-like drumming. Jamu massage is designed to energize and boost blood circulation.


Is a therapeutic method created by Iona M. Teeguarden derived from Jin Shin Jyutsu. It combines elements of Japanese and Chinese acupuncture, Qigong, principles of Ericksonian psychotherapy, and Taoist philosophy, but utilizes its own specific terminology.


An antique oriental healing art re-discovered by Jiro Murai that helps to balance the vital energy of the whole person – body, mind, and soul.


In physical therapy, mobilization is understood as a repetitive passive movement of varying amplitudes of low velocity applied at diverse parts of the range of motion depending on the effect desired. Mobilization involves moving the joints in a way that you cannot move them yourself. It involves small movements of the actual bone surfaces on each other. There are many different movements of mobilization, some that help to decrease pain and others that help to increase the movement range of the joint.


The practitioner moves the joints to achieve a full, pain-free range of motion with a special stretching technique. This technique is derived from the osteopathic system.



Self-help therapy method for improving general well-being. Includes kinematics, nutrition, and mental training. Using massage, Kinesiology helps with anxiety, specific personal dietary intake, and energy blocks. This method is described as truly preventive in order to preserve good mental and physical health. A diagnostic tool that uses the neuromuscular system and other measurable parameters to aid in evaluating what is wrong, and what to do for a patient.


This is a deep-tissue style that includes massage strokes, body movement, stretches, pressure point therapy, yum yang therapy, and Korean energy work. Gentle on the practitioner, KMT may be performed with the patient on a table, the floor, or in a chair and may or may not incorporate the use of oils.


Spontaneous energy movement is an Indian healing art that integrates classical massage, energy work, neuromuscular massage, and somato-emotional release work into a connected smooth pattern.



It provides support through the different stages of labor, emphasizing non-pharmacologic methods of pain relief.


An ancient massage was performed in Hawaii. It has been handed down through Polynesian families for generations. Lomi Lomi uses very large, broad movements with two-handed, forearm, and elbow application of strokes, which cover a broad area. Ancient Hawaiian healing art utilizes finger, palm, and elbow strokes. Kukui nut, macadamia nut, and coconut oils are used as lubricants and nutritional moisturizers during the massage.


Is a delicate type of massage that boosts the body’s lymphatic system, improving the metabolism, helping the body to remove waste and toxins, and providing stimulation to the immune system. It was created by Bruno Chikly.


A hands-on method for lymphatic drainage involving flat hands, utilizing all of the fingers to simulate wave-like movements. This enables the practitioner to feel the rhythm of the body fluids to determine the exact pressure, direction, and rhythm needed.


Created by Charles W. Wiltsie, lypossage is a combination of manual deep-tissue massage, lymphatic drainage, and the principles of structural integration, employed to combat cellulite. A recommended alternative to liposuction and body contouring aids.



Is the systematic, therapeutic application of touch to either invigorate or relax the muscles of the body to promote healing, relaxation, and ease stress.


Magnet therapy is applied to the skin but uses steady or pulsed magnetic fields from either electro-magnets or less powerful permanent magnets. It is used to alleviate pain and discomfort and to aid in healing a variety of physical and emotional disorders, such as arthritis and stress.


MLD is a gentle, rhythmical method that cleanses the connective tissue of inflammatory materials and toxins, enhances the activity of the immune system, decreases pain, and lowers the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The most accepted form of this technique was developed by Dr. Vodder. A method for lymphatic drainage involving flat hands, using all of the fingers to simulate wave-like movements. The results include a reduction of certain types of edema (those resulting from trauma and/or scarring).


A branch of exercise therapy where the patient performs exercises using specially designed apparatus, without assistance but under the constant supervision of the physiotherapist.


Performing medical massage needs a firm background in pathology and uses certain treatments appropriate to working with disease, pain, and recovery from injury. The therapist may work from a physician's prescription or as an adjunct healer within a hospital or physical therapy setting.


Treatments in which a patient, on request, actively uses his muscles from a controlled position in a specific direction against a counterforce. These techniques are used to strengthen weak muscles, stretch tight muscles and fascia, mobilize joints in which movement is restricted, and improve local circulation.


Is the three-dimensional application of sustained pressure and movement into the fascial system in order to remove fascial restrictions and facilitate the emergence of emotional patterns and belief systems that are no longer relevant or are impeding progress. Stretching of the fascia. The therapist is trained to distinguish how much force to use, the direction of the stretch, and how long to stretch, via the feedback given by the patient's body.


Is a combination of methods including basic Swedish massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, shiatsu, iridology, herbology, energy balancing, ear candling, and craniosacral therapy in conjunction with instruction in nutrition, meditation, yoga, tai chi, and qigong.


A holistic approach to relief of back and neck pain, founded on principles from Rolfing, osteopathy, and related physical medicine. The method combines deep-tissue work with assisted stretching and non-force spinal alignment.



Is a manipulation of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to relieve tension and promote fluidity of motion. This technique resembles chiropractic, but manipulation of the connective tissue is the focus. Other neuromuscular methods may be added and diet is recommended, too.


Called also Naturopathic Medicine, is a system of therapy centered on preventative care, and on the employment of heat, water, light, air, and massage as primary therapies for disease. Some naturopaths use no medications, either pharmaceutical or herbal.


NISA works to stretch, free, and soften the body's fascia in order to restore function to muscles and joints as the layers of fascia regain their elasticity.


NSB is a somatic therapy that combines various methods, including fascial release, neuromuscular re-education, craniosacral adjustment, and breathwork. NSB techniques restore sensory perception and motor control and allow for new neurological impulses that support postural balance and free range of motion.


A method utilized primarily for injury rehabilitation work. The therapist works in a focused manner in a specific zone, trying to diminish muscular tension and break up adhesions and scar tissue on a deeper level. Elements of myofascial release and trigger point therapy are also used. Assessment and treatment of Postural Distortions, Biomechanical Dysfunction, and the Soft Tissue causes of these conditions.



Ohashiatsu is a method of bodywork offering both the giver and receiver a complete experience of self-development and healing. Combining Eastern healing philosophy and techniques with psychological and spiritual components, Ohashiatsu expands awareness of self and others through movement, meditation, and touch. Ohashiatsu emphasizes working with the overall energy flow throughout the body to create balance and relieve aches, tension, stress, and fatigue.


Oncology massage refers to massage tailored to the requirements of patients with cancer. This practice requires specialized therapists that pay close attention to the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of clients in all stages of cancer: diagnosis, treatment, recovery, survivor, or terminal.


Japanese "at peace" technique uses hot springs for bathing in the traditional oriental method.


A non-invasive, osteopathically-based method of body therapy where the practitioner uses gentle movements and positions of the body to facilitate the change of stress and pain patterns. A strong focus is placed on the comfort of the patient, no forceful manipulations are used. The practitioner also suggests home exercises that individuals can do to further facilitate the neuromuscular re-education process begun in the session.


Foot and posture-related corrective therapy.


Is specifically developed to access and treat occupational, sport,s and other pain and injury conditions. This therapy approach addresses tissues primarily involved in locomotion: muscles tendons, ligaments bursa, nerves, and fascia.


This comprehensive medical system goes beyond conventional medical philosophy to include an emphasis on the structural balance of the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic physicians use joint manipulation, postural re-education, and physical therapy to normalize the body's structure and promote well-being.


A relatively new profession, focusing on pain relief, relaxation, and regaining flexibility. It seeks to align and straighten the body using gentle massage techniques and stretching exercises.



Healing therapies using plants, shrubs, trees, aromatic essential oils, seaweed, herbal, and floral extracts. Applied through massage, packs or wraps, water and steam therapies, inhalation, homeopathy, and drinking of herbal teas.


Created by Joseph Pilates, it is a sequence of movements, done from a sitting, reclining, kneeling, or standing position, designed to augment strength and flexibility, release tension and alleviate chronic neck and back pain. The method combines elements of yoga, tai chi, and ancient Greek and Roman exercise. Low-impact body maintenance program designed to stretch and strengthen muscles, open joints and release tension, resulting in improved posture and ease of movement during daily activities, recreation, and sports.


A person who creates custom individualized diet and exercise portfolios for the client.


Created by Randolph Stone, is a healthcare system developed as a synthesis of western and eastern sciences. Polarity therapy is comprised of dietary principles exercise and stretching postures, energy balancing, and attitudinal work. The manipulations combine chiropractic and osteopathic traditions, involving energy-based bodywork, diet, exercise, and self-awareness. It works with the Human Energy Field, and electromagnetic patterns expressed in mental, emotional, and physical experiences.


Specific somatic therapies to reduce pregnancy discomforts and enhance the physiological and emotional well-being of both mother and fetus. Skilled, proper touch facilitates labor, shortening labor times and easing pain and anxiety.


It is intended to help people who would like to improve their ability to cope with difficulties and problems in their lives


Specifically designed to eliminate pain originating from chronic tension. Therapists learn Soft Pressure Stimulation to treat tissue on a layer-by-layer basis. Techniques are administered with the therapist’s body in a completely relaxed state - no muscular force is required - and without using the hands.



An ancient Chinese method that involves a series of exercises including meditative and physical movements. Employed to move “qi”, thereby maintaining and regaining physical, emotional, and spiritual health.


This hands-on healing technique offers spontaneous adjusting of proper alignment of the body. The principles behind Quantum-Touch involve resonance, intention, attention, breath, and innate body intelligence. Using various breathing techniques and meditations, a light touch is applied to activate the body’s own healing process.



Is a form of energy healing in which the therapist utilizes a combination of guided imagery and energy body manipulations to heal a certain physical organ or joint. The noninvasive physical touch of energy centers is important in the process of repatterning the etheric body.


Also called Zone therapy, this bodywork involves the application of pressure to specific reflex zones on the feet, hands, and ears that correspond to other parts of the body in order to stimulate body organs and relieve areas of congestion. Through the centuries it has been observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot mirrors congestion or tension in a corresponding part of the body. Thus, when you treat the big toes there is a related effect on the head, and treating the whole foot can have a relaxing and healing effect on the whole body.


Japanese therapy, in which the practitioner places his or her hands on the client's body to channel energy into the body. Blockages are released and energy stimulated. Very useful again for stress-related problems. Leaves you feeling calm, relaxed, and more in control. A method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy. The practitioner issues high-frequency energy out of the hands into another person to correct any imbalances in the receiver.


Re-discovered by Seishiro Okazaki, it is an antique Japanese treatment that is effective in the treatment of migraine headaches, nervous tension, general fatigue, and muscular aches and pains.


The therapist performs a series of movements (rocking and shaking) that are gradually increased and maintained to effect a stretching of tissues, which increases mobilization and relaxation that prepares the client for massage.


Also known as Structural Integration. A system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation and movement education aimed at releasing stress patterns, and helping the client move and function with greater freedom, and effortlessly maintain a more upright posture. A method that focuses on realigning the fascia—the connective tissue that envelops the muscles and organs. The aim of Rolfing is structural integrity or making sure that all of the organs, bones, and tissues are appropriately positioned within the body.


Created by Marion Rosen, it uses gentle, non-intrusive touch and works with held muscles to bring about physical and emotional awareness through relaxation. Rosen utilizes also observation of the patient's breathing patterns and communication to promote physical ease and pain relief.


Uses the basic strokes of classical massage, changing them so each stroke provides the client with the least invasive and most comfortable treatment. Each stroke in Russian massage has a known physiological effect on a healthy or dysfunctional body. It is frequently related to sports and physical activities.



A Japanese massage method based on the Chinese medical theory that disease and pain are caused by blocked qi (energy) along energy meridians in the body. By applying pressure to the blocked pathways, relief from pain and disease may result. This massage therapy combines physical and energy rebalance. Pressure with thumbs, fingers, and palms applied to determined areas and points of the human body, without the use of any mechanical or of another type instrument, correcting internal dysfunctions, promoting and keeping health, and treating specific illnesses.


A very useful Ayurvedic variation where oil is slowly poured over the third eye to ease tension and restore balance.


STR is an injury treatment method developed in Europe that deals directly with the causes of soft tissue dysfunctions and subsequent referred pain and nerve entrapment. Once the muscles have returned to the original resting length, there is an instant release from the pain induced by the inflammation response.


SOMA is a unique development of the holographic body reading technique. Holographic body reading recognizes that each person has an individual blueprint, permitting the practitioner to analyze this and correspond to those customized requirements.


A method that employs sounds, tones, and rhythm to create a grounding, meditative space in order to promote healing and wellness. Vibrational tones have been used within the Buddhist meditative practice. Today, singing bowls and tuning forks are used for meditation, relaxation, wellness, and ritual practice.


A diversity of body treatments are administered in spas including herbal wraps, loofah body scrubs, parafango, salt scrubs, seaweed body wraps, and hydrotherapy treatments. Spas have become a great treatment employing the benefits of natural products.


 Sports massage is designed to enhance athletic performance and recovery. There are three contexts in which sports massage can be useful to an athlete: pre-event, post-event, and injury treatment. A type of massage which uses specific strokes and stretches to help obtain maximum performance and physical conditioning with less chance of injury or pain. It boosts power, endurance, and flexibility both before and after an event or workout.


An osteopathic technique that changes the interaction between dysfunctional vertebrae and reduces fascial tension and restores joint mobility.


Developed by Ida P. Rolf, structural integration is based on the belief that the entire structural order of the body requires to be realigned and balanced with the gravitational forces around a "central vertical line" representing gravity's influence.  A system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation and movement education aimed at releasing stress patterns, and helping the client move and function with greater freedom, and effortlessly maintain a more upright posture


Involves the use of hands, forearms, or elbows to manipulate the superficial layers of the muscles to improve mental and physical health. The benefits include increased blood circulation, mental and physical relaxation, reduced stress, muscle tension, and improved range of motion. Manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, including skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Most often performed with oil. Techniques include stroking, vibrations, shaking, effleurage (light long strokes), petrissage (circular manipulation), tapotement (percussive techniques), and rocking.



Is a gentle art of health and well-being for people of all ages and health conditions. Tai Chi combines movement, meditation, and breath regulation to increase the flow of vital energy in the body, boost blood circulation, and improve immune functions.


An ancient Asian practice that incorporates the principles of yoga, meditation, and acupressure methods, to stimulate the meridians – Acupressure points, muscle massage, and Joint manipulation/stimulation. Its treatment assists with the release of stagnant energy within the body, while improving the range of motion and increased mobility.


Employs the therapeutic benefits of sea and seawater products to restore health and vitality to the skin and hair. The treatment may include a seaweed and algae body paste spread on the body and being insulated with sheets or blankets. Seawater baths may include massage.


Is based on antique energy healing methods. Therapists employ a light touch or hold the hand above the body, with the patient usually seated. An energy exchange therapy during which the practitioner uses the hands as a focus to facilitate the healing process and to induce deep relaxation. Therapeutic Touch has been applied in an assortment of medical situations, including the care of premature infants and emergency room patients.


Created by Milton Trager, it makes extensive use of touch contact and encourages the patient to experience the freeing-up of diverse areas of the body. The approach consists of simple exercises called Mentastics and deep, nonintrusive hands-on work, including fluid, gentle, and rocking movements. It helps release deep-seated physical and mental patterns and facilitates deep relaxation, increased physical mobility, and mental clarity using gentle, non-intrusive, natural movements.


Trauma touch therapy was developed to address the needs of clients affected by trauma and abuse, including sexual and emotional abuse, battering, the trauma of war, surgery, or criminal violence. Focused on empowering the client, this technique combines therapeutic movement and breathwork with psychotherapeutic elements to bring body and mind together in holistic healing.


Hyper-irritable areas occur as small knots in the muscles throughout the body. They can also be felt as painful lumps of hardened fascia/connective tissue, and are painful when pressed. They can transfer pain and tenderness (known as "referral patterns") into the joints and muscles. In some cases, the referred pain (from an active trigger point) can mimic other ailments, like heart attacks or tendonitis. This is a method in which the therapist applies specific compression to a tender area on muscle tissue in order to assist the body in releasing tension and pain. As these spots are deactivated, gentle strokes to elongate the muscle paired with passive stretching will aid in the process of restoring the muscle.


Chinese massage utilizes kneading, pressing, rolling, shaking, and stretching of the body. Tui Na is thought to regulate qi (vital energy) and blood flow, and improve the function of tendons, bones, and joints.



The technique was created in the United States as an alternative to exerting force into soft tissues that may already be painful to the touch. It is basic to UNTIE that soft tissue dysfunction, no matter how deep within the body, can be felt in the skin.



VHMT is a leading-edge bodywork restoring one to fluidity. It is similar to massage therapy, providing touch techniques and distinctions that help a person live in their body as a liquid process, freeing pain. VHMT works with the physical structure to free up past tensions and stresses.


A gentle hands-on therapy that works through the body’s visceral system (the heart, liver, intestines, and other internal organs) to locate and relieve abnormal spots of tension throughout the body. Visceral Manipulation was created by Jean-Pierre Barrall.


A method that uses imagination to help patients cope with stress and encourage healing. Patients attempt to heal physical and emotional conditions by imagining positive images and desired outcomes in particular situations. Visualization with the help of a therapist is called guided imagery.


Is an energetic curative art that works solely with divine light and consciousness. It derives its name from a singular energy vortex that is the interface between our physical world and a divine healing realm that is accessed in this method.



Also called water shiatsu, watsu is a relaxing massage therapy performed in a warm pool of water, combining shiatsu and deep tissue massage along with stretches to ease stiffness.



Ancient Indian practices unify body and mind with a universal spirit, thereby encouraging physical and psychological well-being. Most commonly involves a sequence of stretching postures (named asanas), breathing exercises, and meditative protocols.


This is a massage modality that enhances the free and natural movements of the body through gentle, sustained stretching and applied pressure. Gentle vibration and energy work with the chakras is integrated into a gracefully flowing sequence.



A Western method based on the teachings of the school of Mahayana Buddhism asserts that enlightenment and the proper flow of vital energy can be attained through meditation and self-contemplation.


A bodywork system centered on a combination of Occidental anatomical principles and Oriental concepts of body energy that uses gentle manipulation at key zones of the skeleton to align the energy of the body with the body's physical structure. It was created by Fritz Smith. A hands-on bodywork system designed to align your energy body with your physical structure.


This style was developed by Shizuto Masunaga, who proposed the treatment of meridian extensions beyond those recognized in the classical Chinese view. He also developed the widely-accepted two-hand style, where one hand moves, applying pressure, while the other provides stationary support.


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